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Journalling to Manage Your Mental Wellbeing

How journalling can be used as an emotional outlet

Journaling is a great way to manage your mental health as it allows you to express and explore your inner feelings and emotions.

As you are not being being judged for what you express, it enables you to be completely honest about experiences you have had, and how you have felt about them.

We live in a fast paced world where we are exposed to so many different things, different people and different situations. This can have a profound impact on the way you mentally process information, and in turn, how you feel about yourself.

By journaling you are more likely to write a factual account of your emotions and what your thoughts and feelings were.

You can then start to observe patterns of particular emotions and start to take the necessary steps that is needed to work on those particular areas of your life, to ensure a healthy mental wellbeing.

The best time to journal is last thing at night before you go to sleep. Once you have written everything down. Close you notebook and don’t look at it again at least for a year. Some people even prefer to tear up the page and throw it in the bin.

You can see Journaling as a way of dumping all unwanted inner thoughts, and closing the chapter on that day.

A few tips to get you going would be:

  • To start with a fresh note book that is solely used for journaling

  • Only write from your perspective and not any one else's opinions

  • Don’t hold back on any thoughts or feelings. Be as honest as you can as no one is going to judge you.

  • Either throw the page away one close your note book once finished and don’t look at it again for at least a year.

Overall, journaling is good to use as an emotional outlet that can be used without fear of judgement. However, if you want to get the best benefits from it, consistency is the key.

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